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Particle Analysis System – PAS

The PAS software is used for the evaluation, assessment and storage of measurement data collected by the particle counter ACS Plus.

The software enables the representation of encrypted measurement data and their evaluation, as well as the export to suitable word processing and calculation programs. The measurement data can be displayed in tabular and graphic form freely selectable according to particle sizes and measurement channels. The software automatically calculates statistically relevant quantities. The measured values of optional climate sensors connected to the measuring system, temperature / relative humidity / air speed / differential pressure, can also be freely selected and exported by the software.


PMulti – Monitoring – Software

Air particle measurement devices of the LDPC (FMS) series from KM-Optoelektronik GmbH (formerly SfP GmbH) can be controlled in a network or in individual applications with the monitoring software PMulti. It allows measurements to be carried out, the measurement data obtained to be displayed and exported to Excel.


FLWIN control and evaluation software for liquid particle counters FSV

The program is used to control the KM particle measuring device FSV for liquids and to display and evaluate the measurement data. It allows measurements to be carried out, the measurement data obtained and the Excel export.

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